Friday, April 8, 2011

Common Mistakes, Tips and Tricks


  1. All grounds need to be connected together.
  2. TX/RX loop back trick: When in doubt of a serial conversion circuit, short the TX and RX pins together to get an echo.
  3. Normal length wires for breadboard connections: Don't use a 9" wire where a 2" wire will do.
  4. Minimize short potential in your breadboard wiring: Don't expose an inch of wire from the insulation if all you need is 1/4".
  5. You will learn best when you have a *simple* project to work on. Don't create the 'house-pet robot' just yet.
  6. Google is, of course, your friend. When you don't know, go do some research.
  7. for(x = 0 ; x < 400 ; x++) : If x is defined as an 8-bit integer, the for loop will loop forever!
  8. Soldering basics: Wet your @#$% sponge.
  9. Take your time with ground plane solder joints. Do not be fooled by a cold joint.
  10. Never trick yourself into thinking you're that good. Print out a 1:1 and compare the footprints!
  11. Check that TX and RX are wired correctly to all peripherals. TX/RX swap is the one of the greatest causes of PCB failures.
  12. When laying out a PCB with SMD micros, don't forget to include the programming port!
  13. Don't run silkscreen across pads.
  14. Connector PCB footprint mis-numbering: always check the pin number on your connector - they can have very obfuscated schemes.
  15. In Eagle, use vector fonts only!
  16. Review your gerber files before submitting them.

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